Bonnefield In The News

Bonnefield Awarded High Marks in Latest UN-PRI Assessment

Again, this year, Bonnefield’s approach to responsible investment has earned it an “A” ranking from the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UN-PRI). Bonnefield’s approach helps farm families achieve their goals while improving efficiencies...

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BNN’s Andrew Bell Interviews Tom Eisenhauer

Bonnefield President Tom Eisenhauer speaks with BNN about Bonnefield's farmland-lease financing model, its investment strategy and the value of investing in Canadian farmland. With Bonnefield's latest limited partnership, Canadian farmers will continue to have access...

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Fund founder puts faith in farmers

Fund founder puts faith in farmers. In an interview with Andrew Willis for the Globe and Mail (July 29, 216), Bonnefield President Tom Eisenhauer talks about Bonnefield, its business model and how, "We’ve only begun to tap the potential that comes with offering the...

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